Thursday, August 27, 2009


I am faxing this letter to my MP via the Getup activist site.

I would like you as my elected representative to be aware of my opinion on the issue of Internet Censorship within Australia.

I do not wish to live in a totalitarian state. I understood we were a democracy in this country, though this attempt to censor the internet makes me wonder.

I would like you to strenuously oppose Internet Censorship within this country. It is unnecessary and will cause far more problems than it is alleged to solve. We also do not have particularly fast internet in this country as a general rule. I do not want to have a slower connection while the government filter decides whether the page I requested is allowed to be viewed or not.

Please make a stand for the rights of the individual.

thank you

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Message to all people who want the laws changed with regard to Cannabis in Australia.

The 1st National Cannabis Expo Rally
Is being held outside the POWERHOUSE MUSEUM in Sydney (500 Harris St., Ultimo, NSW)

9am onwards on the 7 & 8th of September 2009.....

This is because the NCPIC ( are having a conference there on these dates.

BE THERE if you want to protest the laws in this country.