Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pre NaNo Plotting

AARGH  lol

This is doing my head in. I have a setting in mind for the novel, but I am struggling for a plot.  Hmm.  I am sure if I keep thinking I will get there, I just hope it doesn't take too long.

There is a pre-NaNo coffee meet this Sunday in the city so I think I will go to that, and talk to the people who have done this contest in previous years.  I am a bit worried I will get bogged down in details.  Since I like to know how things work, I am also tempted to tell my readers too much information about technology.  My partner says I should explain nothing and let the readers imagine everything ... not sure about that either but there must be a happy medium somewhere.

I am really fortunate in that I tripped over a writing site I like, and several members there are entering NaNo.  So if all else fails I might get some moral support there.  

Here is a copy of my preparation list for NaNo:

1. Nag partner to let me buy a new computer ;)  am now typing from my new laptop  (downside .. now have to learn to use Vista )

2. Look through music collection and make up playlists of tracks that make me think.

3. Stock up on groceries so I don't have to go out in the heat and shop. For a month (I wish).

4. Tell the cats they are not allowed to disturb me for a month... no hairballs, no clawing the furniture... (Likelihood of success is somewhat less than zero)

5. Test airconditioning.  Summer has come early this year, it's been 36C last 2 days (97F)

6. Last LOL Find a semi plausable plot, or if all else fails wing it ;)

:S perhaps point 6 should have been point one !!!!!!

Stay tuned for my next update ... hopefully an Eureka moment !!!

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